Monday, March 21, 2011

Dinner Day 18: Another take of Breakfast

Do you know that there is a large section of vegetarians called "bacon only vegetarians"?

Google it.
You'll see.

It's easy to understand, really.
Bacon is just yummy.
One little problem.
It's real name is pig.
Just sayin'...

At church yesterday, one of the kids in youth group was wearing a t-shirt which had a cartoon drawing of a pig. It read "Please don't eat me. I love you."

Good News!
No little piggies were harmed in the making of this meal!
Bad News!
Veg bacon is kind of a joke (at least to us).
Think about that song from the 80's by MC Hammer "Can't touch this."
I could hear "real bacon" singing that song to "veg bacon".

We did, however, LOVE the veg sausage.

Now-meat eaters, admit it. When you eat sausage, doesn't part of your brain say "what in the world IS this?"
My brother's a full blown meat man, but still eats the veg sausage for that exactly reason.
Morning Star makes a "killer" veg sausage. (pardon the pun)

Today's meal included
Morning Star bacon and sausage
Boiled eggs
Orange slices
Buttered Toast

Alex: Mom, can we just stop having fake meat and just eat veggies?
Liam: I don't like the bacon but the sausage it good.
Joseph: Great. Thanks, hon.
Me: Are you going to eat your sausage?

The cost:
$7 for a family of four

This meal was a win, but we are done with the veggie bacon.
I think I know where those "bacon only veg" folks are coming from.

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